Disclaimer: * The sale before Christmas starts 12.01am (AEDT) 5 December 2024 and ends 11.59pm (AEDT) 12 December 2024, unless sold out prior. Selected travel dates and days apply, and fares may not be available on all flights or days. Availability is limited. Prices are per adult in Australian Dollars and based on payment via the Qantas Distribution Platform or qantas.com by BPAY, PayID or Qantas issued UATP. Prices will differ if booked via EDIFACT. Prices are correct as at 5 December 2024 but may fluctuate if fees, taxes, carrier charges or currency change. Offers subject to availability. Food, beverage, and entertainment offerings vary between flights. New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia QantasLink flights operated by Sunstate Airlines (Qld) Pty Ltd ABN 82 009 734 703, Eastern Australia Airlines Pty Ltd ABN 77 001 599 024 and National Jet Systems Pty Ltd ABN 11 008 279 203. QantasLink state licence numbers - NSW: 2TA000237, VIC: 30362, QLD 407, SA: TTA155, TAS: TAS049, ACT: 18800205, TAS: TAS049. Northern Territory and Western Australia QantasLink flights operated by National Jet Systems Pty Ltd ABN 11 008 279 203 and Network Aviation ABN 93 533 934 838. QantasLink state licence numbers - WA: 9TA52, NT: LTA010. All schedules subject to change, including last-minute aircraft changes. Offer may be extended. Refer to your Technology Partner or GDS for more information. Fares are available to agents participating in the Qantas Channel. Registration for the Qantas Channel remains open for all agencies, for more information, visit Qantas Agency Connect.