Gaza crisis ceasefire response. Rush supplies to children in need.
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Donate Where the Need is Greatest

For the world's most vulnerable children, UNICEF's presence on the ground is much more than just lifesaving deliveries. In their greatest times of need, UNICEF's presence is more than just lifesaving support. For many children, it's a sign of hope, a sign that they have not been forgotten, and this is only possible because of our supporters. Every child has the right to survive and thrive, regardless of whatever situation they may be in. 

Mother nursing newborn with two children

Always there in emergencies

From reaching children during emergencies to long-term survival and development programs, UNICEF works to protect children, no matter what. Thanks to our supporters, we are always there, reaching children in greatest need, every day.

Help UNICEF be prepared to act in any situation

Donate today to where the need is greatest and help give every child an equal chance to survive and thrive.

Donate Where the Need is Greatest

Help UNICEF to be there for children wherever the need is greatest, no matter what.

Because UNICEF is 100 per cent donor funded, our ability to provide millions of children in need with lifesaving vaccines, nutrition support, safe drinking water and basic sanitation, education and protection fully depends on the generosity and commitment of our donors all over the world – donors like you.

400 m

UNICEF helps to vaccinate 400 million children globally against polio each year.

When you donate to where the need is greatest, you help UNICEF to be there for children who are in the greatest need every time, wherever that may be. By building up a steady pool of flexible resources, UNICEF is also able to respond quickly and effectively if and when an emergency strikes, heading straight to the source to offer immediate relief in the hours and days following a crisis.

"Where a child is born should not determine his or her destiny. We must get vital services and care to children in acute need now, to provide the building blocks that will allow them to create peaceful futures."

Afshan Khan
UNICEF Director of Emergency Programmes

How will my donation help children?

By donating to support the most urgent needs of children you will also be allowing UNICEF to invest in long-term development programs that support the world’s most vulnerable children and their communities, meaning the difference between a life of poverty and one of opportunity. 

  • $84 could help provide 16,800 water purification tablets, each able to create up to five litres of clean drinking water.
  • $133 could help provide 253 sachets of Plumpy’Nut®, a therapeutic peanut paste, to help save the lives of two children suffering acute malnutrition.    
  • $311 could deliver one School-in-a-Box kit with enough education supplies to keep 40 students learning. 

    How do we use each dollar donated?

  • 80¢
    on average, 80 cents to every dollar spent for the past three years went directly to helping children in need, including long-term programs, emergency response and community education.
  • 14¢
    on average, 14 cents to every dollar spent for the past three years went to essential fundraising costs that helped us generate more impact for children.
  • 6¢
    on average, 6 cents to every dollar spent for the past three years went towards our admin costs, such as keeping your personal data safe.