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      Prices include taxes, fees and carrier charges payable to Qantas (exclude any amounts payable to third parties at the airport) and are based on payment at qantas.com. Prices may fluctuate if taxes or foreign exchange rates change. Fares may not be available on all flights or days. Some flights are operated by partner or subsidiary airlines.

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      Important information

      * Prices include taxes, fees and carrier charges payable to Qantas (exclude any amounts payable to third parties at the airport) and are based on payment at qantas.com. Prices may fluctuate if taxes or foreign exchange rates change. Fares may not be available on all flights or days. Some flights are operated by partner or subsidiary airlines. Prices are not guaranteed until payment is made. Availability is limited. Passengers booking Premium Economy may be seated in Economy on connecting flights. Check the fare rules for more details before booking. Inclusions may vary between flights. All schedules subject to change, including last minute aircraft changes.