Lost property

To enquire about lost items you may have left onboard or in an airport, contact your arrival airport.

lost bag on carousel

Lost property information

Any property found on Qantas aircraft is sent to Qantas Baggage Services or Qantas Administration at the airport where the property was found. If you have left any personal items onboard a Qantas aircraft or in an airport, please advise Qantas staff before leaving the airport or contact the nearest Lost property office.

It is the passenger's responsibility to contact Qantas regarding any items that they have left behind and to arrange for the collection of those items. Qantas is not responsible for any loss of, or damage to, any items left on aircraft.

Qantas will not accept items found in areas outside our premises (i.e. Security check points, common user areas of airports, taxi ranks, shops, car parks, customer transport vehicles, leased terminals or public amenity areas.)  

Lost property contact details

Australian airports Contact Opening hours
Adelaide 08 8208 8858 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday
Alice Springs 08 8950 3915 8.30am to 5.30pm, 7 days a week
Ayers Rock (Uluru)

08 8957 2605

Email Ayers Rock (Uluru) airport team

9am to 3pm, 7 days a week

07 3867 3264 - domestic

07 3307 9086 - international

10am to 2pm, 7 days a week
Message bank facility
Cairns 07 4050 4235 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
Canberra 02 6275 5446 Message bank facility
Darwin 08 8920 4637 10am to 2pm, 7 days a week. Message bank facility. 
Hobart 1300 306 980 24 hours, 7 days a week
Launceston 03 6398 6915
8am to 8pm, 7 days a week


Email Melbourne lost property


08 9270 9433 - baggage services

08 9270 9504. - lost property

7am to 9pm, 7 days a week

9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday


02 9952 9312 - domestic
1300 653 077 - international

7am to 9pm, 7 days a week


Townsville 07 4758 0008  
Australian domestic airport contact details
International airports Contact Opening hours

+64  9 275 0789

+64  9 256 8813 (after hours)

Email Auckland lost property



Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm
excluding public holidays

+66 91 889 8948 or

+66 2 134 4375 or

+66 2 134 4357

11am to 9pm, local time
Bangalore (India)

0953 878 8941

Email Bangalore lost property

7am to 7pm, 7 days a week (local time)

+86 10 6459 0629 or

+86 10 6459 0648

Christchurch +64 0 3 357 3889  
Dallas/Fort Worth +1 866 767 2247  
Denpasar (Bali) +62 361 9366964  
Hong Kong (handled by SATS)

+852 2182 2018

Enquire about lost property at Hong Kong AirportOpens in a new tab or window

7am to midnight, 7 days a week (local time)
Honolulu +1 808 836 2461  
Jakarta +62 21 550 7096  
Johannesburg Email Johannesburg lost property  
Los Angeles Email Los Angeles lost property  

Email London Heathrow lost propertyOpens in a new tab or window  
Manila +63 2 832 2956 or 
+62 2 832 2978

+679 6722777 ext 2417 / 2499

Email Nadi lost property

Noumea +687 35 26 15  

+33 1 84 03 02 44

Email Paris Lost property

630am to 1130pm

+64 0 21 950 408

Email Queenstown lost property

Rome +39 06 83394444 8am to midnight, 7 days a week

+86 21 68340096

+86 21 68340417 

Email Shanghai lost property

Singapore +65 65 97 4500
South Korea - Seoul



7am to 11pm

Lost and found centre 

West Public Area 1BF, Terminal 1

Tokyo Haneda +81 3 5757 7710 (JAL Lost Property)
10am to 5pm, 7 days a week
Tokyo Narita

+81 0 476 33 2988

Email Narita lost property

9am to 5pm, 7 days a week
Vancouver +1 604 3033758  
Wellington +64 21 552 905 Monday to Sunday, 12pm to 1pm and 4.30pm to 5.15pm
International lost property contact information

Important information

Disclaimer: Disclaimer: * Local toll free number when dialled from within the country or territory. 
~ Customers in the US who are deaf or who have a hearing or speech impairment can call via the National Relay Service by dialling 711, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Communication Assistants at the National Relay Service will assist customers by contacting Qantas Airways.

+ is the international direct dialling (IDD) code for your country or territory.