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Complimentary Qantas Frequent Flyer membership with Qantas Money, your global currency card.

You're one step closer to realising a whole new world of Qantas Points earning potential. If you're an Australian resident aged 16 years or older, simply complete the online application below (choosing Australia as your country of residence) and you’ll get complimentary Qantas Frequent Flyer membership (saving you A$99.50).

Once you’ve completed your application, you'll receive your Qantas Frequent Flyer membership number instantly so you can start using the Qantas Money app and start earning points straight away.

Once your card arrives in the mail, you’ll  be able to activate your Qantas Travel Money, the prepaid Mastercard facility that’s built into your card. You can load your Qantas Travel Money card with local or foreign currency for use at home, overseas and online.

Visit to discover more.

Already a member and have forgotten your membership number? Contact the Qantas Frequent Flyer Service Centre on 13 11 31.

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Join fee : Free