People enjoying an outdoor meal
River view from Avalon Waterways cruise

Globus family of brands

Earn Qantas Points with Avalon Waterways, Globus and Cosmos when you book by 12 March 2025, for travel until 31 December 2026.  

Conditions apply

It's time to earn Qantas Points with the Globus family of brands and discover travel that's even more rewarding.

With an incredible variety of tours and river cruise itineraries to choose from, your perfectly suited adventure awaits, full of discoveries and insights. 

Discover dream holidays with premium inclusions with Avalon Waterways, Globus and Cosmos.

For each booking made on or before 12 March 2025 and departing by 31 December 2026, each Qantas Frequent Flyer member on the booking will earn 1 Qantas Point per $1 spent on their portion of an eligible booking with Avalon Waterways, Globus and Cosmos.


How to earn Qantas Points with Avalon Waterways, Globus and Cosmos on bookings made by 12 March 2025 and departing until 31 December 2026

Find the tour you love online at Avalon WaterwaysGlobusOpens in a new tab or window and CosmosOpens in a new tab or window, or through a travel agent

Provide your Frequent Flyer details post-booking and pre-departure via the MyAccount portal found on the Avalon Waterways, Globus or Cosmos websites by 12 April 2025

Points will be added to your account within 60 days of departure

Discover the Globus family of brands

Qantas Frequent Flyer logo

Not a Frequent Flyer member?

Frequently asked questions

Eligible bookings include new bookings of Globus, Cosmos and Avalon Waterway packages purchased using Australian Dollars, sold either through Globus, Cosmos or Avalon Waterways directly or via one of their booking agents. Members will not earn points if a booking is cancelled prior to the date of departure, the holiday is booked with staff, companion or Friends and Family discounts, travel industry member discounts, press and partnership trips or participant holidays provided as a prize to prize winners.

For each booking made on or before 12 March 2025, each Qantas Frequent Flyer member on the booking will earn 1 Qantas Point per $1 spent on their portion of an eligible booking with Avalon Waterways, Globus and Cosmos. Qantas Points will not be allocated in respect of travellers who do not provide their Qantas Frequent Flyer details by 12 April 2025. 

If you have multiple travellers on the same booking, but only one adds their Qantas Frequent Flyer number, only that Qantas Frequent Flyer member will earn their portion of Qantas Points attributable to the booking. To earn Qantas Points on the total booking value of the trip, each traveller must add their Qantas Frequent Flyer details to the booking prior to departure by 12 April 2025.

Visit Globus, Cosmos or Avalon Waterways to purchase an eligible package and provide your Qantas Frequent Flyer membership number prior to departure by 12 April 2025. Alternatively, for bookings made via one of their booking agents, your Qantas Frequent Flyer details and full name must be provided prior to departure by 12 April 2025. If you'e not already a Qantas Frequent Flyer member, you can join for free now

If you change your Eligible Booking to a different departure date or destination before or on 12 March 2025, you will still earn Qantas Points. However, if you change your Eligible Booking after 12 March 2025 you will earn Qantas Points on your original booking.

Qantas Points will not be earned on cancelled bookings.

Qantas Points will be credited to a member's account within 60 days post departure date.

If you have a query regarding your booking please contact Globus, Cosmos or Avalon Waterways If you have a query after points have been credited please complete the Qantas Frequent Flyer contact form here. Alternatively, call the Qantas Frequent Flyer Service Centre on 13 11 31 between 7am and 7pm (AEST) Monday to Saturday and have your Qantas Frequent Flyer number and PIN on hand.

What you need to know

You must be a Qantas Frequent Flyer Member to earn and redeem Qantas Points. A joining fee may apply.

Qantas Frequent Flyer Terms and Conditions

Membership and the earning and redemption of Qantas Points are subject to the Qantas Frequent Flyer program Terms and Conditions.

Globus Family of Brands Terms and Conditions

The earning of Qantas Points is subject to Globus Family of Brands Terms and Conditions. View the full Globus, Cosmos and Avalon Waterways Terms and Conditions.


For each booking made on or before 12 March 2025, each Qantas Frequent Flyer member on the booking will earn 1 Qantas Point per $1 spent on their portion of an eligible booking with Avalon Waterways, Globus and Cosmos. Qantas Points will not be allocated in respect of travellers who do not provide their Qantas Frequent Flyer details prior to departure by 12 April 2025. Eligible bookings include Globus, Cosmos and Avalon Waterways packages purchased using Australian Dollars, sold either through Globus, Cosmos or Avalon Waterways directly or via one of their booking agents. Members will not earn points if a booking is cancelled prior to departure. To earn Qantas Points, a member must add their Qantas Frequent Flyer number to their booking prior to departure by 12 April 2025. Globus, Cosmos and Avalon Waterways Terms and Conditions apply.

When do I provide my Frequent Flyer number?

Members need to provide their valid Qantas Frequent Flyer number and full name during or post booking prior to departure by 12 April 2025.

How long until I get my Qantas Points?

Qantas Points will be credited to the Qantas Frequent Flyer member's account within 60 days post departure.