Kids entertainment
Our dedicated child-friendly channels have something to keep kids of any age entertained, with exciting activities, radio, games and audiobooks to tune into.
Kids audiobooks
Put the iPad away and tune into a delightful story. With a library of nine audiobooks from award-winning Australian and international children’s authors, there's a book for all reading levels. Favourites include Jackie French (Diary of a Wombat and Other Stories), David McKee (The Elmer Treasury) and Sally Rippin (The Wayward Witch and the Feelings Monster).
Audiobooks can be accessed via a seat-back screen, or your own device using the Qantas Entertainment App
Joey Club art studio
Help settle your kids inflight with the Joey Club art studio interactive colouring game, featuring all of our characters, including Matilda the kangaroo and Queenie the emu.
Kids can choose to colour an iconic scene at a Qantas destination such as the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Hollywood sign in LA, New York’s skyline or London’s Big Ben. Keep a look out for the game, on aircraft with seat-back entertainment systems.