Personal items, toiletries and medicinal items

Before flying, it's important to know how to pack your personal items, toiletries and medicinal items correctly while adhering to the dangerous goods regulations. 

On this page

Aerosols (non-flammable for sporting or home use)

What aerosols you can carry and requirements of how to pack:

Airline approval required No
Carry-on baggage Yes, included
Checked baggage Yes, included
Aerosol requirements


  • for sporting or home use

Alcoholic beverages

What alcoholic beverages you can carry and requirements how to pack:

Airline approval required No
Carry-on baggage Yes, included
Checked baggage Yes, included
alcholic beverages requirements


  • Alcohol over 70%: not permitted
  • Alcohol between 24%-70%: maximum 5L per passenger
  • Alcohol under 24%: no quantity limit applies to checked baggage
  • Alcohol must be securely sealed in retail packaging

Important information

Disclaimer: * Security requirements limit all liquids in carry-on baggage on international flights to 100ml per item

Cigarette, Zippo, Arc, Plasma lighters or safety matches

What cigarette and lighters you can carry and requirements of how to pack:

Airline approval required No
Carry-on baggage No, not included
Checked baggage No, not included
Safety matches and lighter requirements


Smoking in the aircraft at any time is strictly prohibited. This includes the use of e-cigarettes and personal vaping devices.

Strike anywhere matches, book matches, lighter fuel, blue flame/cigar lighters or lighters powered by a lithium battery which can be accidently turned on, are forbidden.


  • One per passenger and must be kept on one's person (in a pocket).
  • Lighter cannot contain unabsorbed liquid fuel, other than liquefied gas.

e-Cigarettes, personal vaping devices

What e-cigarette items you can carry and requirements of how to pack:

Airline approval required No
Carry-on baggage Yes, included
Checked baggage No, not included
e-cigarette requirements

The use and charging of all e-cigarettes and other personal vaporisers are not permitted onboard an aircraft.


  • Must be protected to prevent accidental activation.
  • The use and charging of all e-cigarettes and other personal vaporisers are not permitted onboard an aircraft.

Hair curlers containing hydrocarbon gas

What hair curlers you can carry and requirements of how to pack:

Airline approval required No
Carry-on baggage Yes, included
Checked baggage Yes, included
Hair curlers containing hydrocarbon gas information


  • One permitted per passenger.
  • The safety cover must be securely fitted over the heating element.
  • No spare gas canisters are permitted.

These hair curlers must not be used onboard the aircraft at any time. 

Toiletries and medicinal items

What toiletry and medicinal items you can carry and requirements of how to pack:

Airline approval required No
Carry-on baggage Yes, included
Checked baggage Yes, included
toiletries and medicial items - requirements

These include medicinal items and toilet articles. Toiletries are classed as items which can be applied to the body eg. aerosol deodorants, hair sprays, perfumes, colognes, shaving gels, etc.


  • No more than 500g/500ml per item
  • All items together must not total more than 2kg/2L.
  • Aerosols nozzles must be protected eg. cap.

Important information

Disclaimer: ^ Security requirements further limit liquids, aerosols and gels on all international flights to 100g/100ml.

Further information on dangerous goods

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations describe in detail what Dangerous Goods may be transported by air, in what quantities, and how they should be packed. For details on how to safely transport your Dangerous Goods, contact your local Qantas Freight office.

Forbidden dangerous goods

For a summary of common items that are classified as dangerous goods view our prohibited and check with airline dangerous goods (PDF) - passengers are forbidden to carry them on an aircraft.

Important information regarding electronic devices

Qantas Group customers are advised to refer to the Product Safety website for a list of products that contain dangerous goods that have been recalled due to faults.

Customers planning to travel with these products should refer to the original manufacturer for further information and recall instructions.