Woman at desk working

Cancel flights

Things don't always go to plan, and you may need to know how to cancel your booking. 

Cancelling your booking

Check the fare rules for any restrictions and fees

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Check to see if you can cancel your booking online

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Cancel your booking at Manage booking and request either a Flight Credit or refund

If you can't cancel your booking online, contact us

Same day, no mistake

Made a mistake while booking?

For bookings made at qantas.com, we'll give you until midnight on the same day you make your booking to let us know you made a mistake, and we'll correct your flight details with no change fees. A fare difference may apply. Read about same day no mistake

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Travel agent and third-party bookings

If you made your booking through a travel agent or other third party, and your fare rules permit cancellations to your booking, contact your booking provider for assistance.

If travel is imminent and you're not able to contact your travel agent or third-party booking provider, call your local Qantas Office (Service fees may apply).

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Flights cancelled by Qantas

If we've cancelled your Qantas flight, visit Flight changes by Qantas for more information on the options available.

Things to know

Before cancelling your flights, there are some things to consider.

  • Check your Fare type or Reward type for the conditions that apply to your flights and any fees that may apply. If you're unsure of the booking type, visit Manage booking and view the flight details.
  • Flight cancellation applies to all passenger in your booking. To cancel flights for individual passengers, you'll first need to separate them from the booking. These passengers will be placed in a new booking with a different booking reference and then you can make the changes you need.
  • We're here to help. If you don't have access to cancel your booking online, call your local Qantas officeservice fee may apply.

Ancillary products

  • If you’ve pre-selected your seat, pre-purchased additional baggage or made a car hire reservation, these will be cancelled when you cancel your flight.
  • Any amounts paid for pre-selected seat requests, pre-purchased additional baggage or to offset flight carbon emissions won't be included in your Flight Credit or refund amount. Refer to the applicable terms and conditions for more information and if you can apply for a refund as these conditions are independent of fare cancellation conditions.
  • If your booking includes travel insurance purchased when booked with your flight, contact your insurance provider directly for assistance with your booking.
  • If your booking includes a hotel reservation, you won't be able to cancel your flight booking online. Contact your local Qantas office for assistance with cancelling your flight booking and contact Qantas HotelsOpens in a new tab or window to update your hotel booking.

Cancelling your booking online

Bookings made online or directly with Qantas may be able to be cancelled on qantas.com.

If your booking wasn't made using Qantas Points, then the cancellation conditions depend on the fare type you booked.

When cancelling your booking, you may be presented with one or both of these options.

How to cancel your booking online

Manage your booking steps

Once you're ready to cancel your flight, simply:

  1. Retrieve your booking by entering your details below. You'll need your booking reference, which is on your confirmation email. 
  2. Select the red 'cancel/voucher' button in the Flights panel.
  3. Select the option to create a Flight Credit or refund.

If you're a Qantas Frequent Flyer or Qantas Business Rewards member, you can also log in to your account and then select 'Manage' to cancel your booking.


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Cancel button not available for selection?

If you're unable to select the 'cancel' button because it's greyed out, contact your local Qantas Office for assistance. Fees may apply. 

Useful links