In the aftermath of the 2001 and 2003 bushfires, which devastated multitudinous pine plantations, Canberra’s National Arboretum was established as a means of conserving and protecting different tree species within more than 100 newly planted forests. As such, a visit to the Arboretum is an affecting experience and a reminder of the annual threat of bushfires to most parts of Australia. That said, the Arboretum has been a hit with locals and tourists (especially those visiting with young families) keen to explore one of the many guided bush walks available. You’ll find plenty of information about the Arboretum’s establishment, as well as the new plantings, inside the main visitor centre, and there’s also a bonsai tree exhibit and an outdoor play area for kids which fills up quickly on weekends, but is fun nonetheless. Food options inside the main centre are minimal with a cafe serving light meals and restaurant for something more substantial.

National Arboretum Canberra | Forest Drive, Canberra City  

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