Hellenika Greek Eatery

A rustic restaurant at Nobby's Beach serving fabulous Greek fare, from charred octopus to classic baked lamb.
Hellenika takes the heart and soul of the taverna experience and adds a slick, contemporary edge. Everything moves at a frantic pace in the sprawling dining room as efficient staff dart around to get the food out fast, keeping pace with a lively Greek soundtrack. The first bite of crisp, flash-fried zucchini chips with a generous scattering of sheep’s cheese makes it clear why demand for tables is high. Octopus and baby calamari are tender and perfectly charred from the wood fire, unadorned but for a drizzle of lemon juice and olive oil and scattered herbs. It’s best to get a group together and share because no-one should have to decide between the aged loukanika (spicy sausage) and the classic baked lamb. The bougatsa – a golden, flaky pastry filled with creamy custard – is our pick of the desserts.
2235 Gold Coast Highway, Nobby Beach; (07) 5572 8009

Main image: facebook.com/HellenikaGreekEatery