A Dog Sled with Siberian Huskies at Mount Buller

Enjoy a winter snow holiday with a difference, dog-sledding with rescued Siberian huskies at Mount Buller in Victoria. By Neil McMahon.
When you think of Australian animal-related tourism, chances are roos, koalas, crocs, dolphins and whales are top of mind – and maybe horseriding in the high country. But dog-sledding? With Siberian huskies? It’s true. In the winter months at Mount Buller in Victoria, Brett Hadden and his sleek team of rescued huskies deliver an unexpected snow-bound adventure.
As Hadden says, people may come to Buller for the snow but on his tours it quickly becomes all about the dogs, which captivate children and adults alike. “People are blown away. Everyone’s totally entranced by them.”
There are sledding tours to suit all tastes, including the Mountain View Run, a relatively sedate, hour-long option; the 90-minute Harnessed Dreams ride; and, for real thrillseekers, the 3.5-hour Powder Hound Adventure (where you drive the dogs). “You need to be fit for that one,” says Hadden. “You’ll come back sweating, even on a cold day.”
Regardless of whether you have plans to risk your limbs on the ski slopes, it’s enough to make a trip to the snowfields a lifetime memory – and you don’t have to go to Alaska to get it.
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