
The Eveleigh is one of those places where you just want to sit and linger. In 1923, this Sunset Strip spot was a residence; today, the Aussie-owned restaurant features a restaurant and bar that extends onto a patio with retractable roof, open-air walls and views of Los Angeles. The eclectic decor of the casual space is best described as rustic-chic farmhouse – it's furnished with a mix of Restoration Hardware and flea market finds that lean heavily on distressed wood and antique flourishes. A brunch standout is the Soft Scrambled Eggs – an English muffin topped with egg scramble, house-cured lox, whipped chevre and Spanish onion. For those who like aromatic bitters, the Paint It Black, an “Apertivos” made with Fernet-Branca is excellent. If you're here with friends, start with a pitcher of the refreshing tequila-and-lemon- based Eveleigh Lemonade.
West Hollywood is one of the most colourful neighbourhoods in Los Angeles. Famous for the high-end boutiques along Melrose Avenue and popular Sunset Boulevard, it has been the backdrop for many TV shows and movies.
Eveleigh | 8752 W Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles | +1 424 239 1630