Miranda Kerr Has A Surprising Party Skill

When she’s not (intentionally) getting lost in supermarkets, you can find the Aussie model behind a karaoke mic.
What’s your greatest strength?
Being flexible. Life doesn’t always follow a plan so it’s important to go with the flow instead of fighting against it. I’ve learnt to become quite good at that.
And your greatest weakness?
Losing track of time, especially when I’m grocery shopping. I can spend hours looking at different products and comparing one item to another. I’m also terrible at getting out the door, whether I’m leaving home or the office. I potter around, straightening things or tidying up. Setting alarms helps to keep me on schedule.
What scares you?
Someone once told me that you can either live from love or fear – and I try my best to live from love. That doesn’t mean I don’t get scared but I try to consciously choose love.
What virtue do you most admire in people?
Kindness. If you open your heart with genuine acts of kindness – no matter how small – it can transform the lives of others.
If you could do any other job, what would it be?
I’m doing it! Transitioning from modelling to running my own business [skincare line KORA Organics] was scary but I feel so lucky to be doing what I love.
What’s one thing about you that would surprise people?
I’m quite spontaneous. My close friends and family know that I like to mix things up and be unpredictable.
What’s your most treasured possession?
My photo albums. I’m old-school and like to print photos of family and friends and put them into albums. They hold so many magical memories.
What’s your next dream trip?
Bringing Evan [Spiegel, Kerr’s husband and billionaire co-founder and CEO of Snapchat], Flynn [her seven-year-old son with ex-husband Orlando Bloom] and our new baby boy, Hart [who was born in May] to Australia so Hart can meet Nan and Pa Kerr and the rest of my family and friends.
How do you switch off?
I turn off the wi-fi at home and spend quality time with my three boys, reading, painting, playing the piano or hanging out in the garden.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Massages! My amazing Korean massage therapist, who I’ve had for many years, comes to my home regularly to give me deep-tissue body massages and facial massages.
If you could turn back time, what would you change in your life?
Nothing – I believe that every experience and challenge happens for a reason.
What’s your greatest achievement?
My family. Nothing compares to the blessing of being a wife and mother.
Where would we find you at a party?
On the microphone singing karaoke, which is one of my favourite things to do. The last song I sang was Peggy Lee’s Fever. Otherwise, I’d be on the dance floor.
What would you say is the most Australian thing about you?
My sense of humour. I get it from my dad – we find exactly the same things funny. I think all Australians have an inherent lightness about their outlook on life.
If you were an animal, what would it be?
A butterfly. They go through important changes in life with grace and lightness and are a symbol of rebirth, change, transformation, joy and hope.
Who is your personal hero?
My mum. There’s nothing she can’t do!
How would you like to be remembered?
As someone with a kind heart and generous spirit. 
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