Teresa Cutter’s Travel Tips

Here’s how chef, nutritionist (The Healthy Chef) and personal trainer Teresa Cutter keeps her travels stress free…
Where she’s travelling: Perth, Los Angeles and New York
What are you doing on this trip?
I have family in Perth, the Healthy Chef warehouse is in LA, where we’re also doing some market research on new products, and the PR agency I use is in New York. We’re also setting up another warehouse in the UK so London is on the cards, too!
What’s the secret to a stress-free journey?
Be prepared. I’m always ready way in advance so I don’t forget anything.
How far out from a trip do you begin to pack?
I start thinking about the trip a few weeks out but I usually pack the day before and put last-minute things into the bag on travel day.
What’s your approach to packing?
I pack light – never more than one bag – then I have a small carry-on for essentials like my computer, notepads, pens, herbal teas, supplements and a few packets of nuts. I always have gym gear for doing a workout or going for a walk to take in the sights.
What’s the secret to travelling light?
Pack basics, like jeans, shoes and tops, that travel well and you can wear a couple of times. I always pack clothes that wash well in hotel rooms. If I forget anything, I can always buy it when I get to the destination, although I’ve never needed to do that.
Is there a method to your packing?
I place all my clothes in sections – shirts, underwear, socks, jeans etc. The bulky things go underneath and lighter things are on top or in a separate compartment. I’m loving my Victorinox bag!
Roll or fold?
My husband [Paul Cutter] travels a lot with his film production company and he introduced me to the rolling technique – I love it. No creases and lots of room to fit in everything you need.
What do you never leave home without?
My reading glasses, credit card and house keys.
Getting to the airport – early or late?
Always early. It’s a habit; I’m early for everything. I like having time in case there are traffic delays or the taxi is late.
What do you wear on the plane?
Basic black is the go-to for me – comfortable black pants, black Converse sneakers, black T-shirt and I always take a black or dark-grey jumper or coat.
Aisle or window?
I love the aisle seat. I get a little claustrophobic so I like as much space as possible.
Are you a chatty seat buddy?
Not really. I normally keep to myself, put on my Bose noise-cancelling headphones, kick back and take it easy. If there’s a good movie going, I’ll watch it.
How do you pass the time on a long flight?
I watch movies then more movies. I read or I may get on with work I need to finish.
Can you sleep on the plane?
Not really; it’s more like a restful state of awareness. I sleep when I get to the hotel and when my body – not the clock – tells me I need to.
Do you have a secret to avoiding jet lag?
Yes. I avoid alcohol completely and drink plenty of water. I add superfood powders to my water bottle and sip that throughout the flight. I also like to spritz my face with rosewater – it’s so refreshing and hydrating for the skin.
What’s the last film you watched on a plane?
Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation. I love Tom Cruise and Jeremy Renner. I love most action movies. 
Teresa Cutter’s latest book, The Healthy Chef: Purely Delicious, is available from thehealthychef.com.