
Shelves in a warehouse

Find out about the new Coupa Supplier Portal, which launched in March 2025. 

On this page

Our approach

Our objective is to drive sustainable shareholder value from all significant supplier relationships. We achieve this through a rigorous and systematic approach for securing reliable and ethical supply, disciplined cost management, and the delivery of programs that continuously enhance experiences for our customers and our people.

The Qantas Group procures significant quantities of goods and services with thousands of suppliers each year – ranging from stationery to aircraft. The diversity of our supply chain and the markets and regulatory systems we operate in can potentially expose the Group to legal, financial, operational and commercial risks. We expect our suppliers to uphold our commitment to comply with the law and conduct business with high standards of ethics and integrity. We aim to ensure that all suppliers are aware of our minimum expectations through our Supplier Code of Conduct and our Supplier Requirements (which includes our Compliance Statement). These important documents are linked further below on this page We take a proactive approach to the identification and management of compliance risk in our supply chain through our Supply Chain Assurance (SCA) program.

The Qantas Group approach to sustainability includes understanding and working to address the environmental and social impacts of our business. Our suppliers play an important role in helping us meet these commitments. For more information refer to Our approach to sustainability

The Qantas Group recognises that the economic inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is an important aspect of reconciliation, and we recognise the mutual benefit of doing business with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suppliers. For more information refer to Reconciliation at Qantas

If you're interested in becoming a supplier to the Qantas Group, email us We'll review your email and aim to respond within 14 days if the information provided is of interest to the Qantas Group.

Coupa Supplier Portal

We use the Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP) to manage account information and streamline your interactions with us. Using the portal, you can ensure your information is always up to date and you receive the latest communications from us.

Find out about registering and updating your supplier information in the CSP

Australian Small Business suppliers

The Qantas Group is proud of our support of Australian small businesses. We recognise that prompt, reliable payment times can help small suppliers remain viable and even expand and create jobs, so we continue to be a signatory company to the Australian Supplier Payment Code (developed by the Business Council of Australia). The Code commits signatory companies to pay eligible Australian small business suppliers within 30 days of receipt of a correctly rendered invoice or receipt of a correct product from the supplier (whichever is the later).

In addition, the Australian Government established the Payment Times Reporting Scheme in 2021, which aimed to improve payment times for Australian small businesses by requiring large businesses to report their small business payment terms and times. As part of the scheme, the Australian Government developed a Small Business Identification (SBI) tool to help identify small businesses using their ABN.

Small businesses that have been confirmed against the SBI tool, will have their payment terms updated to 25 days from date of receipt of the invoice.     

If your business has multiple payment sites, only payment sites with terms greater than 25 days of receipt of a correct invoice will be changed.

For more information contact our Supplier Help Desk

Learn more about the Business Council of Australia’s Australian Supplier Payment Code

Learn more about the Payment Times Reporting Scheme

Supplier Requirements

Suppliers are required to comply with the Qantas Group Supplier Requirements:

Under Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) legislation in all jurisdictions, Qantas has an obligation to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, the health and safety of all persons working in and present at Qantas Group premises or other workplaces controlled by Qantas Group (Qantas Sites).

Suppliers are responsible for ensuring the health and safety of their officers, employees, agents and contractors (and their employees or contractors) as well as the health and safety of others, including Qantas employees, customers, visitors and other contractors and suppliers, when present at Qantas Sites.

The Supplier Requirements sets out the WHS requirements which provides suppliers with an overview of their responsibilities in relation to occupational health and safety while present on Qantas Sites.

In relation to WHS, Qantas suppliers and their personnel must as a minimum comply with:

  • Applicable occupational health and safety legislation, regulations, Codes of Practice and Australian Standards.
  • The WHS requirements in the Supplier Requirements, when present at Qantas Sites.

Depending upon the nature of the goods or services being supplied in each case, Qantas may provide more specific WHS requirements relating to the provision of those particular goods or services.

Further, the Supplier Requirements sets out requirements regarding standards of personal behaviour, workplace conduct (including discrimination, harassment and bullying), theft, fraud, and removal of property, as well as requirements under the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations for random drug and alcohol testing. Suppliers are also required to comply with obligations under the Australian Consumer Law, including consumer guarantees and product safety law.

The Qantas Group Compliance Statement (attached to the Supplier Requirements) sets out supplier's obligations in relation to anti-bribery, economic and trade sanctions, export controls, anti-money laundering, anti-slavery and human trafficking and conflicts of interest.

Supplier Code of Conduct

The Qantas Group is committed to ensuring that its procurement practices are transparent, fair and responsible and uphold high standards of integrity and honesty. With a multi billion-dollar annual procurement spend and thousands of suppliers across a wide range of goods and services, we recognise that our responsibility extends to the focussed and professional management of our supply chain.

The Qantas Group Supplier Code of Conduct (PDF) establishes our expectations of suppliers, and their supply chain, in providing goods and services to the Qantas Group.

Standard purchase order terms

Invoicing and payment guidelines

Qantas will always endeavour to pay suppliers on-time for goods and services we purchase. To help with the timely settlement of supplier invoices, it is important to follow the invoicing instructions detailed below.

Suppliers must ensure the following items must be typed on your invoice:

Invoice item Do you have a purchase order number?
Yes No
Qantas purchase order number Yes, included N/A
Qantas Site ID number N/A Yes, included
Purchase order line details i.e. item description, quantity, unit price and delivery address Yes, included N/A
Qantas business contact name Yes, included Yes, included
Supplier name and contact Yes, included Yes, included
Items to include on an invoice to Qantas

If you don't receive a Purchase Order number, you must include a Qantas Site ID and Qantas Business Contact name on your invoice.

If you don't know your Purchase Order number or Qantas Site ID, contact your Qantas Business Contact or the supplier helpdesk.

Your invoice should be emailed directly to one of the following addresses (depending on the nature of the business).

Business Area Email invoices to:
Qantas Airways 
Qantas Loyalty 
QantasLink (Sunstate)
iProcurement PURCHASE ORDER starting with 11XXXXX
PORS PURCHASE ORDERS with one alpha and nine numeric OR two alpha with eight numeric (SXXXXXXXXX or RSXXXXXXXX)
Email addresses for various Qantas departments

Additional tips to ensure your invoice is processed accurately:

  • Invoices must be sent in pdf format.
  • Ensure only one invoice is attached per email.
  • If the invoice has any supporting documentation, save the invoice and the supporting documentation as two separate PDF files, and attach both files to one email.
  • The invoice should always be the first attachment in an email.
  • Don't combine more than one invoice into one PDF file, and don't combine an invoice and its supporting documentation into one PDF file.

Where to seek support and assistance:

Read our supplier invoicing guide (PDF) for more information.

Complaints, Reporting and Grievances

The Qantas Group highly values and promotes a speaking up culture. We want and encourage individuals and communities, including workers in our supply chains, to raise matters of concern with us, so that they can be addressed. Such matters may include (but are not limited to) unethical or illegal conduct, and instances of actual or potential modern slavery.

Several of the reporting channels under our Whistleblower Program are independently operated, providing a pathway for concerns to be raised confidentially, without fear of detriment or retribution. Our Whistleblower Program is accessible to those internal and external to the Qantas Group, including business partners, suppliers, contractors and their employees and relatives.

We've established mechanisms to investigate concerns raised through the Program and ensure they are addressed, including, where applicable, taking action in line with the guidance provided under the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) for human rights impacts that we may have caused, or to which we may have contributed or be directly linked.


If you are interested in a career in Procurement within the Qantas Group and have the relevant experience and skills, visit Qantas Careers