Qantas Regional Grants Australia
Terms and Conditions
1. By submitting an entry to the Qantas Regional Grants Program, you agree to the following conditions:
2. Information on how to enter forms part of the terms and conditions of entry. All references to time are to the local time in Sydney, Australia unless stated otherwise.
3. The promoter is Qantas Airways Limited (ABN 16 009 661 901) 10 Bourke Road, Mascot NSW, 2020 (Promoter).
4. Entry is open to Australian based not-for-profit community groups and organisations of any size, who are:
a) seeking funding to help enhance the lives of people in regional communities; and
b) if a charitable organisation, are registered in Australia and are endorsed as income tax exempt
c) not any Australian based not for profit community group or organisation that is owned, partly owned by any directors, management or employees of the Promoter and its related bodies corporate and registered travel companions of employees of the Promoter and its related bodies corporate (as such groups and organisations are excluded from participating in this promotion).
Eligible Organisation
5. Eligible Organisation must submit an application according to the times and regions set out below. Only Eligible Organisations based in the region specified may submit an application during the period stated. Applications will open at 9am AEDT on the dates specified and close at 5pm AEST on the dates specified.
Applications open | Applications close | Judging by |
21 February 2025 | 10 May 2025 | 20 June 2025 |
6. Entries not awarded grants during any Promotion Period will be required to re-apply for the next Promotion Period to be eligible for future grants.
7. To enter, an authorised representative of an Eligible Organisation must, during the Promotion Period either:
a) Complete and submit an online entry form at; or
b) Visit a regional Airport where Qantas and/or QantasLink operate and complete a printed entry form and lodge via mail to Qantas at Level 3, Building A, 10 Bourke Road, Mascot NSW 2020 or lodge directly with Qantas staff at a regional airport where Qantas or QantasLink operate.
8. All Eligible Organisations agree that their entry, in full or in part, may be published and attributed to them in the event that they are selected as a winner.
9. Incomplete, indecipherable, or illegible entries will be deemed invalid and will be rejected. The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify any entry where it reasonably suspects that such materials are prohibited by these terms and conditions, any relevant law, or are otherwise deemed inappropriate. This is at the Promoter’s absolute discretion and discussions will not be entered into.
10. There is a limit of one entry per Eligible Organisation for the duration of each Promotion Period.
11. The Promoter reserves the right to verify the validity of entries and Eligible Organisations and reserves the right to disqualify any Eligible Organisation for tampering with the entry process or for submitting an entry that is not (in the reasonable opinion of the Promoter) in accordance with these terms and conditions.
12. The Promoter is not responsible for any lost, late or misdirected entries.
13. The Promoter will appoint a panel of judges for each Promotion Period. Judges will examine all entries and select, in their absolute discretion, the entry that they judge to be the best in accordance with the criteria set out in Clause 15.
14. The criteria on which entries will be judged are:
a) The extent to which the Eligible Organisation directly services a regional community need and demonstrates a measurable socio economic impact;
b) The extent to which the Eligible Organisation can maximise local community benefits in regional Australia with the Qantas Regional Grants Program funding;
c) The extent to which the project or activity will celebrate and highlight the work of the Eligible Organisation and help boost the profile and strength of the Eligible Organisation for the future; and
d) The ability of the Eligible Organisation to demonstrate innovation in their project strategy, goals and mission, and how these align to improving their service offering and increasing regional impact.
15. The judging will take place at a nominated location in Australia, no later than six weeks after the relevant Promotion Period ends. There will be multiple winners for each Promotion Period in each State (the Winning Organisation).
16. Successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified by no later than 10 days after the relevant Judging session.
17. If any grant remains unclaimed 14 business days after the Winning Organisation has be notified, another winner for the unclaimed grant will be selected by the panel of judges from the remaining pool of entries on the following business day and the winner will be contacted by phone by 5pm on the same day.
18. The judges’ decision is final and the Promoter will not enter into correspondence regarding the result.
19. It is a condition of accepting the grant that the Winning Organisation must comply with all the conditions of use of the grant including signing The Letter Agreement with the Promoter for the provision of the prize.
20. The Qantas Regional Grant Program is at the complete discretion of Qantas and consists of:
a) Nominated cash component; and/or
b) Nominated contra component eligible to be used to travel anywhere on flights operated by Qantas or QantasLink; and/or
c) promotion of the profile of the Winning Organisation through Qantas owned marketing channels to nominated value subject to Qantas’s discretion and availability.
21. The cash prize must be used for the benefit for the Winning Organisation and, as applicable, towards the projects and/or activities specified on the Winning Organisation’s entry form. The Winning Organisation must provide a report to Qantas at twelve months after receipt of the cash prize describing the way the cash prize has been spent. No part of the cash prize can be used for the personal expenses or travel of any employee or volunteer of the Winning Organisation.
22. Flights must be taken within twelve months of being awarded a grant.
23. Flights may not be exchanged for cash.
24. Flights may only be used for fundraising, benefactor travel, and management travel for the betterment of the organisation or for transporting experts directly associated with the Winning Organisation.
25. Flights may not be used for personal leisure travel by any employee of the Winning Organisation - doing so may result in cancellation of the Grant.
26. Key people within the Winning Organisation and key benefactors must be willing to participate in the media relations around the partnership.
27. The Winning Organisation may not actively promote any competitor aviation brand within the twelve months of receiving a grant.
28. All travel is subject to availability at the time of booking and is subject to Qantas Conditions of Carriage. In the event that an allocated ticket holder is a child who does not meet Qantas Independent Traveller Requirement - Children, that child must travel with an appropriate accompanying passenger.
29. The name of the Winning Organisation’s authorised representative on the eligibility submission for each Organisation will remain as the sole contact for the promotion. If this person leaves the Winning Organisation, it is the Winning Organisation’s responsibility to notify Qantas of the change and a replacement authorised representative.
30. The Winning Organisation is solely responsible for determining how to award the flights to individuals. In determining how to award the flights provided, the Winning Organisation (and any of its employees and affiliates) must not:
a) represent or convey the impression that Qantas has approved or recommends any of the organisation’s products or services, or that Qantas sponsors the organisation;
b) make fun of or satirise the Qantas name;
c) disparage or defame Qantas or any of its products or services, or bring Qantas, its name, or affiliates into disrepute; or
d) publish material that is defamatory, unlawful or otherwise contrary to accepted standards of public decency and good taste.
31. Failure to adhere to this condition may result in Qantas withdrawing a grant, without any compensation payable.
32. It is each traveller’s personal responsibility to ensure that they have valid documentation, including but not limited to valid passports and visas, which meet the requirements of immigration and other government authorities at every destination. Any fines, penalties, payments or expenditures incurred as a result of such documents not meeting the requirements of those authorities will be the sole responsibility of travellers. The Winning Organisation acknowledges that they have been warned that there is a possibility of an accident causing injury, death or property damage in accepting the grant.
33. Contra Account means the account into which the Contra Amount will be credited and the dollar equivalent value of the Contra Tickets provided by Qantas to the Winning Organisation will be debited in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
34. Contra Amount means the Nominated contra component that Qantas will credit to the Contra Account, as specified in Attachment A.
35. Contra Tickets means tickets for travel on Qantas Flights purchased with amounts from the Contra Account
a) Qantas must open a Contra Account in the name of the Winning Organisation and will credit the Contra Amount awarded to the Winning Organisation into the Contra Account valid for a 12 month period from the date of execution of the Contra Account.
b) The Winning Organisation must maintain and use the Contra Account in accordance with the terms of this agreement and the terms and conditions set out in Attachment A.
c) The Winning Organisation may use funds in the Contra Account to purchase Contra Tickets and other Qantas Product up to the value of the amount in credit in the Contra Account.
d) Contra Tickets cannot be resold or on-sold.
f) All insurance, cargo handling fees and payments for land content must not be paid for out of the Contra Account and must be paid for separately by the Winning Organisation, and such liabilities will not increase the amount in the Contra Account which is available for use by the Winning Organisation.
36. Conditions of travel
36.1 The Winning Organisation acknowledges and agrees that:
(a) travel on Contra Tickets must be on Qantas Flights only and cannot be combined with travel on any other carrier, which must be paid for separately;
(b) any applicable Ticket Taxes charged on Contra Tickets must be paid for using the Contra Account or paid for separately by the Winning Organisation. No GST applies where any applicable Ticket Taxes are paid for using the Contra Account. GST may apply where any applicable Ticket Taxes are paid for separately and will be separately charged;
(c) cash refunds cannot be made for Contra Tickets, but any unused Contra Tickets or sectors may be credited back to the Contra Account, less any cancellation or other fees payable;
(d) Qantas will not upgrade Contra Tickets to a different class of travel on a ‘no cost’ or ‘space available’ basis. Subject to availability, The Winning Organisation may purchase an upgrade to be paid for before travel either by cash or credit card, or by making an appropriate deduction from the Contra Account;
(e) all travel must be completed within 12 month period from the date of execution of the Contra Account. Unused Contra Amounts and Contra Tickets expire upon termination of this Agreement unless rolled over with the written permission of Qantas;
(f) Contra Tickets and other Qantas Product may be used only by management and executives of the Winning Organisation or by persons designated by management and executives of the Winning Organisation;
(g) all reservations and ticketing for Contra Tickets must be made directly with Qantas and not a travel agent. The Winning Organisation must make all bookings via the Qantas website or Qantas Reservations available 24 hours a day 7 days a week via13 13 13 within Australia.
(h) travel on Qantas Flights will be subject to the Qantas Conditions of Carriage. If there is any inconsistency between the Qantas Conditions of Carriage and the terms of this Agreement, then the Qantas Conditions of Carriage will prevail to the extent of such inconsistency.
If Qantas establishes that a person other than a person identified in clause 30 has used a Contra Ticket, then after giving notice of the details to the winning Organisation, Qantas may in its absolute discretion, debit the Contra Account for an amount equal to the difference between the amount already debited to the Contra Account in respect of the Contra Ticket and the cost of a full class airfare
37. Each grant must be taken as stated and no compensation will be payable if the Winning Organisation is unable to use the grant as stated. A grant cannot be transferred to any other Organisation, unless agreed to by the Promoter. Changes to Contra Ticket bookings are subject to availability and airfare conditions. Fees may apply to any changes or cancellation of Contra Ticket bookings. If a winner is unable to satisfy these terms and conditions, or flights are not booked within twelve months of the grant being awarded, it will be forfeited by the winner.
38. The grant does not include travel insurance, taxes not included in the price of the tickets, ground transportation, accommodation or any other costs of a personal nature not stated. Compliance with any health or other government requirements is the responsibility of the grant recipient and travellers.
Limitation of liability and variation of terms
39. If any act, omission, event or circumstance occurs which is beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter and which prevents the Promoter from complying with these terms and conditions, the Promoter will not be liable for any failure to perform or delay in performing its obligations. In this scenario the Promoter reserves the right (subject to any applicable law) to cancel, terminate or modify or suspend this promotion.
40. The Promoter, its related bodies corporate and their respective officers, employees, contractors and agents (Promotion Parties) will not be liable for any losses, damages, expenses, costs or personal injuries arising out of this promotion, the promotion of this promotion or the use of any grant, including but not limited to any breach of these terms and conditions, contract or tort (including negligence) and any other common law, equitable or statutory remedy (Damages) whatsoever, including but not limited to direct, indirect and consequential Damages, including Damages that cannot reasonably be considered to arise naturally and in the ordinary course of things, even if those Damages were in the contemplation of the Promotion Parties.
41. The exclusion of liability in clause 41 does not apply to limit or exclude liability:
a) for personal injury or death suffered or sustained in connection with the supply of goods or services which are supplied by the Promoter in the ordinary course of business. To remove doubt: third party goods or services, which other than in connection with this promotion, are in the normal course of business supplied by a third party unrelated to the Promotion Parties, are not supplied by the Promoter in the ordinary course of business; and the Promoter’s Conditions of Carriage and general booking conditions (and any exclusions contained therein) apply despite any statement to the contrary in these terms and conditions, or
b) to the extent it is not permissible at law to limit or exclude liability in the manner contemplated in that clause (in which case that liability is limited to the maximum extent allowable by law).
Entry details and privacy
42. Entry details remain the property of the Promoter. The name and photographs of the Organisation and its members and travellers may be used for promotional purposes by the Promoter, unless the Organisation otherwise notifies the Promoter at the time of accepting the grant. Entrants consent to the Promoter using any personal information collected in connection with this promotion for the purposes of facilitating the conduct of the promotion and awarding any grants. Without limiting the foregoing, any personal information provided in connection with this promotion will be handled in accordance with the Promoter’s Privacy Statement, a copy of which is available at
Tax Implications
43. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any tax implications that may arise from accepting a prize. Independent financial advice should be sought.
44. All travel is subject to the Qantas Conditions of Carriage
Attachment A
Contra Ticket Terms and Conditions
1. All Contra Ticket bookings must be made direct with Qantas and not a travel agent.
2. Contra Tickets will be issued within three (3) days after confirmation of the booking unless Qantas otherwise agrees in writing.
3. Changes to Contra Ticket bookings are subject to availability and airfare conditions. Fees may apply to any changes or cancellation of Contra Ticket bookings.
Contra Account Terms and Conditions
The following terms and conditions apply to the use of all Contra Accounts:
- Contra Accounts will be maintained for a period of 12 months from the period from the date of execution of the Contra Account
- Contra Tickets cannot be resold or on-sold.
- Generally GST applies to contra arrangements entered with Australian residents or non-residents who carry on some form of activity within Australia.
- You must comply with any other Contra Accounts terms and conditions that are notified by Qantas from time to time.
Qantas Frequent Flyer and Qantas Club
- Passengers will not earn Frequent Flyer points or status credits for travel on Contra Tickets. Any Frequent Flyer points or status credits issued for travel on Contra Tickets will be cancelled without notice.
- Passengers travelling on Contra Tickets cannot use Frequent Flyer points to upgrade to a higher cabin class.
Permitted Services and Codeshare restrictions
Contra Account funds may be used to purchase tickets on:
- Qantas or QantasLink services with a ‘QF’ flight number;
Contra Account funds may not be used to purchase tickets on:
- other Codeshare Flights;
- on Jetstar Airways flights.
Fare Types
- The class of travel is determined at the time of reservation, and the appropriate fare for the class of travel ticketed must be debited to the Contra Account.
- Promotional ‘Public’ fares (domestic routes) and Published ‘Public’ fares (international routes) may be available for purchase using Contra Account funds provided all fare conditions are met.
- Other fare types that are not available for ‘Public’ sale, such as net fares, may not be purchased using Contra Account funds. .
Debit Balance
- The Contra Account must not go into debit at any time (they are credit accounts only).
- Company must repay any overspend, plus applicable GST, within 14 days after receiving a tax invoice from Qantas specifying the debit amount and the applicable GST on that amount. It is the responsibility of Qantas, in the first instance, to raise a tax invoice and seek reimbursement of the debit balance. The amount of the debit balance must have GST added to it when the balance is cleared. If there is a delay in payment, Qantas has the right to charge interest on the debit amount for the period from the due date until the date of payment at the Commonwealth Bank Overdraft Reference Rate calculated on the number of days elapsed in a 365 day year.