How it works
If you've made a mistake while booking a flight on or the Qantas App, we'll waive fees for making the following corrections until midnight the same day:
- the time and date of your flight
- the to and/or from destination
- fare type
- travel class
- name spelling for Qantas operated flights. Note: you can correct the spelling of your name fee-free even after 24 hours of booking and before you commence travel.
What you need to do
Contact us before midnight on the day you booked by calling 13 13 13 within Australia or by contacting your local Qantas office Midnight is specific to the timezone you're in. For example, if you're in Sydney, you'd have until 12AM AEST/AEDT to contact us.
For changes that aren't covered under this policy, such as name spelling corrections for flights operated by other airlines or changing passengers entirely, you may need to cancel your booking and make a new one (subject to availability and fares available at the time).
Only change and service fees will be waived. If the fare has increased since your original booking, you'll have to pay the difference for your new ticket. Changes are subject to flight availability.
Useful links

Change flights
Things happen, and when they do you may need to change your travel plans.

Cancel flights
Things don't always go to plan, and you may need to know how to cancel your booking.

Flight Credits
A Flight Credit may be issued when the value of your booking can be retained for future use.