Other services

Find out who to contact if you need help booking cars, hotels, insurance, cruises, holiday activities, transfers and more.

Woman on cruise ship looking out over the ocean
Service Contact Information
Activities Email Viator To change or cancel your actvity booking, contact Viator.
Airbnb +61 2 8520 3333
Contact AirbnbOpens in a new tab or window
To change or cancel your Airbnb booking, contact your host.

Contact your car provider. 
You can cancel car hire booking online at Manage booking.
Cruises 1300 766 566
Email Cruises
Open 9am to 5pm AEST, Monday to Friday
To change or cancel your cruise booking.
Madpaws Contact Mad PawsOpens in a new tab or window For assistance with your booking and information.
Qantas Holidays 13 70 66 or +61 2 8376 7665
Contact Qantas Holidays
8.30am to 5.30pm (AEST), 7 days a week
To make a new booking or to change or cancel your existing booking. Cancellation policies apply.
Qantas Hotels 1300 738 206 or +61 2 8059 0182
Contact Qantas Hotels
Live Chat
8.30am to 5.30pm AEST, 7 days a week
To change or cancel your Hotel booking, including Classic Hotel Reward bookings. Hotel cancellation policies may apply.
Qantas Shopping Contact Qantas Shopping  
Qantas Marketplace Contact Qantas Marketplace  
Transfers Email Viator To change or cancel your transfer booking, contact Viator.
Travel Insurance

For policies purchased on or after 19 July 2023:

Australian residents

Enquiries: 1800 954 270
+61 3 9522 4840 (from overseas)

Claims: 1800 954 017 
+61 3 9522 4839 (from overseas)

Emergency assistance: 1800 954 016
+61 3 9522 4838 (outside Australia)

Insurance travel alerts

New Zealand residents

Enquiries: 0800 446 273
+64 9 355 3366 (from overseas)

Claims: 0800 446 266
+64 9 355 3078 (from overseas)

Emergency assistance: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week -
0800 446 196, 
+64 9 355 3187 (from overseas), or email

Insurance travel alerts

For policies purchased before 19 July 2023:

Australian residents

Enquiries and claims:
1300 783 146
+61 2 8256 1514 (from overseas)

Emergency assistance:
1300 555 019
+61 3 8523 2800 (from overseas)

Insurance travel alerts

New Zealand residents

Enquiries and claims:
0800 800 608
+64 9 300 5331 (from overseas)

Emergency assistance:
+61 3 8523 2800

Insurance travel alerts

Uber Email Uber For assistance with your account or ride.
Various service contact details

Important information

Note: + International direct dialling (IDD) code for your country or territory.