Flight deals

      Prices are based on payment at qantas.com by PayPal. A fee applies for other card payments. Fares may not be available on all flights or days. Some flights are operated by partner or subsidiary airlines. Prices may fluctuate if carrier charges, taxes, fees or currency rates change. Black-out dates apply.

      Other conditions apply.*
      16 offers loaded
      MelbourneAustralia DealView fare rules
      *Conditions apply.
      Return from
      SydneyAustralia DealView fare rules
      *Conditions apply.
      Return from
      BrisbaneAustralia DealView fare rules
      *Conditions apply.
      Return from
      AdelaideAustralia DealView fare rules
      *Conditions apply.
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      HobartAustralia DealView fare rules
      *Conditions apply.
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      Gold Coast (Coolangatta)Australia DealView fare rules
      *Conditions apply.
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      MackayAustralia DealView fare rules
      *Conditions apply.
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      LauncestonAustralia DealView fare rules
      *Conditions apply.
      Return from
      CairnsAustralia DealView fare rules
      *Conditions apply.
      Return from
      CanberraAustralia DealView fare rules
      *Conditions apply.
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      RockhamptonAustralia DealView fare rules
      *Conditions apply.
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      TownsvilleAustralia DealView fare rules
      *Conditions apply.
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      DarwinAustralia DealView fare rules
      *Conditions apply.
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      PerthAustralia DealView fare rules
      *Conditions apply.
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      Ayers Rock (Uluru)Australia DealView fare rules
      *Conditions apply.
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      Alice SpringsAustralia DealView fare rules
      *Conditions apply.
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      Important information

      For payment options other than PayPal or Qantas issued UATP, a card payment fee applies per passenger, per booking of NZ$7 for Trans-Tasman travel, and NZ$30 for international travel. For bookings made via Qantas Contact Centres (including through web chat and social media) or through Qantas airport locations, a fee of NZ$45 per passenger, per booking is applicable for Trans-Tasman and Australian domestic bookings and NZ$77 for international bookings. A NZ$30 surcharge per sector applies for peak-day travel (AKL-JFK on Fri/Sat/Sun, JFK-AKL on Thu/Fri/Sat). Some agents may charge service fees and/or fees for card payments which vary. Selected travel dates and days apply and fares may not be available on all flights or days. Offers subject to availability. Food, beverage and entertainment offerings vary between flights. All schedules subject to change, including last minute aircraft changes. Prices correct as at 10 March 2023 but may fluctuate if carrier charges, taxes, fees or currency rates change. Black-out dates apply. Visit qantas.com for full conditions.