Qantas Ticket Validity
The validity of Qantas (081) tickets is determined by whether the ticket is for Australian domestic or international travel.
Australian Domestic Tickets
- All travel must be completed within 12 months of original ticket issue.
- The ticket expires and is not valid for travel or reissue at 12 months from the date of original ticket issue.
- Once the ticket has expired it is valid for refund only, if the fare rule permits.
- When an Australian domestic ticket is reissued to another Australian domestic ticket, the ticket must be reissued prior to the ticket expiry date.
- All travel must be completed within 12 months from the date of original ticket issue (unless otherwise specified in the fare rule) and not 12 months from the date of the reissued ticket.
- When an Australian domestic ticket is reissued to an international ticket, the ticket must be reissued prior to the ticket expiry date.
- The international ticket is valid for 12 months from the date of reissue. If travel does not commence within this period the ticket expires and is valid for refund only, if the fare rule permits.
A maximum stay requirement does not apply as Australian domestic fares are filed as one way fares.
International Tickets
- Travel must commence within 12 months from the date of issue.
- The ticket expires and is not valid for travel or reissue at 12 months from the date of issue.
- Once the ticket has expired it is valid for refund only, if the fare rule permits.
- After travel on the first flight has commenced, the maximum stay requirement of the ticketed fare applies.
- When an international ticket is reissued and upgraded to a higher fare for both outbound and inbound travel, outbound travel is permitted within 12 months from the date of issue of the upgraded ticket.
You can refer to the Qantas International Ticket Reissue Policy for further information.
- When an international ticket is reissued to an Australian domestic ticket the following applies:
- The international ticket must be reissued prior to the ticket expiry date.
- The Australian domestic ticket is valid for 12 months from the date of reissue and all travel must be completed within 12 months from this date.
- The ticket expires and is not valid for travel or reissue at 12 months from the date of the reissue.
- Once the ticket has expired it is valid for refund only, if the fare rule permits.
- Unless otherwise provided in a specific fare rule, maximum stay means the number of days counting from the day after departure, or the number of months counting from the day of departure to the last day return travel may commence from the last stopover point.
- When a Qantas fare permits a maximum stay of 12 months, travel from the last point of stopover must commence before midnight 12 months after departure from fare origin. Your passenger may reach their final destination after this date.
Date of departure: 16 JUN 2022
Not Valid After: 16 JUN 2023 - Depart on QF2 16JUN23 from SIN and arrive in SYD on 17JUN23
- Upgrading to a higher fare after departure will not extend the maximum stay beyond 12 months from the date of the original outbound flight.