Currency Conversion Guide
The following guide to converting currency should be followed when reissuing tickets issued to depart from a country other than the country of ticket issue.
Currency Conversion Examples
For tickets issued to depart from a country other than the country of ticket issue then reissued to depart from a different country:
Example 1
Ticket issued in Australia for a journey commencing outside Australia (USA) then reissued for travel commencing in a different country outside Australia (Canada)
Original Itinerary LAX QF SYD QF LAX – journey commencing in USA |
Original Fare FARE: USD 1899.00 |
New Itinerary YVR QF X/LAX QF SYD QF X/LAX QF YVR – journey commencing in Canada |
New Fare FARE: CAD 2598.00 |
Current fares and currency exchange rate apply when the ticket is reissued. The additional fare collection is AUD237.00 and represents the difference between the EQUIV AUD paid on the original ticket and the EQUIV AUD amount to be paid on the reissued ticket.
Example 2
Ticket issued in Singapore for a journey commencing outside Singapore (UK) then reissued for travel commencing in a different country outside Singapore (New Zealand)
Original Itinerary LON QF SIN - journey commencing in UK |
Original Fare FARE: GBP910.00 |
New Itinerary AKL QF X/SYD QF SIN - journey commencing in New Zealand |
New Fare FARE: NZD2698.00 |
Current fares and currency exchange rate apply when the ticket is reissued. The additional fare collection is SGD704.00 and represents the difference between the EQUIV SDG paid on the original ticket and the EQUIV SGD amount to be paid on the reissued ticket.
For tickets issued to depart from a country other than the country of ticket issue then reissued to depart from the same country:
Example 1
Ticket issued in Australia for a journey commencing outside Australia (USA) then reissued for travel commencing in the same country (USA)
Original Itinerary DFW QF SYD QF DFW - journey commencing in USA |
Original Fare FARE: USD1745.00 |
New Itinerary LAX QF SYD QF LAX - journey commencing in USA |
New Fare FARE: USD1800.00 |
Current fares and currency exchange rate apply when the ticket is reissued. The additional fare collection is USD55.00 and represents the difference between the USD paid on the original ticket and the USD amount to be paid on the reissued ticket. This amount is then converted to AUD at the current BSR.
Example 2
Ticket issued in UK for journey commencing outside UK (Australia) then reissued for travel commencing in the same country (Australia).
Original Itinerary SYD QF LHR - journey commencing in AU |
Original Fare FARE: AUD1874.00 |
New Itinerary SYD QF DXB QF MAN - journey commencing in AU |
New Fare FARE: AUD2100.00 |
Current fares and currency exchange rate apply when the ticket is reissued. The additional fare collection is AUD226 and represents the difference between the AUD paid on the original ticket and the AUD amount to be paid on the reissued ticket. This amount is then converted to GBP at the current BSR.
Note: If a commissionable ticket is reissued to a non-commissionable ticket, the commission will be reclaimed via an Agent Debit Memo (ADM)