on payments made through B2Bpay*
B2Bpay is a secure online payment portal that allows you to pay all of your business expenses using your existing credit or debit cards.
You’ll save time by managing all your bills and receivables in one portal with Xero, MYOB and QuickBooks integration
Earn up to 1 Qantas Point for every $1 paid to a biller with a bank account payment*
If you have a Qantas Points earning credit or charge card, you'll earn points with your card (as you normally would) plus Qantas Points on all business payments including government, insurance, and telco. What’s more, you can also earn Qantas Points if you choose to receive payments through B2Bpay too.
Not a Qantas Business Rewards member? Join free today and start earning Qantas Points with B2Bpay.
Payments made through B2Bpay
Earn 1 Qantas Point for every $7 in government payments with a card.*
Earn 1 Qantas Point for every $10 on all other invoices you pay through B2Bpay with a card.*
Earn up to 1 Qantas Point for every $1 paid to a biller with a bank account payment.*
Payments made to B2Bpay Bonus Billers
Earn up to 3 Qantas Points for every $1.50 paid to suppliers registered as a B2Bpay Bonus Biller on B2Bpay.*
Payments received as a B2Bpay Biller
Earn 1 Qantas Point for every $20 paid to you via Visa or Mastercard through B2BPay*.
Earn 1 Qantas Point for every $7 paid to the ATO with a card*
Earn 1 Qantas Point for every $10 on all other invoices you pay through B2Bpay with a card*
Earn 1 Qantas Point for every $3 paid to a biller with a bank account payment*
Earn up to 3 Qantas Points for every $1.50 paid to B2Bpay Bonus Billers
Earn 1 Qantas Point for every $20 paid to you by VISA or Mastercard
Join Qantas Business Rewards free through B2Bpay.
Register with B2Bpay to make payments and/or set yourself us as a
B2Bpay Biller visit.
Include the ABN associated with your Qantas Business Rewards Account in your B2Bpay profile.
Pay bills or receive payments through the B2Bpay online portal.
Earn Qantas Points within 90 days of payment.
Important Information
A business must be a Qantas Business Rewards member to earn Qantas Points for business. A one-off join fee of $89.50 including GST normally applies, however this will be waived for B2Bpay customers. Membership and Qantas Points are subject to the Qantas Business Rewards Terms and Conditions. Qantas Points for business are offered under the B2Bpay Customer Terms and Conditions.
* Members will earn 1 Qantas Point for every $7 paid to the ATO by credit or debit card (outside of a bonus offer period), 1 Qantas Point for every $10 paid to all other billers by credit or debit card, 1 Qantas Point for every $3 paid to a biller by bank account for Bank Accelerator standard and 1 Qantas Point for every $1 paid to a biller by bank account or card for Points Accelerator Plus. Members can also earn up to 3 Qantas Points per $1.50 paid to B2Bpay Bonus Billers. Members earn 1 Qantas Point for every $20 paid to you by Visa or Mastercard through B2Bpay. For the first $10,000 received by Visa or Mastercard members earn 1 bonus Qantas Point per $1 received. See B2Bpay website for a list of current B2Bpay Bonus Billers. Qantas Points will be credited to the Members’ Business Rewards Account by the 14th day of the month following the eligible spend. Any claims in relation to Qantas Points under this offer must be made directly to B2Bpay by emailing help@b2bpay.com.au. Businesses must ensure the ABN registered with Qantas Business Rewards is saved in the B2Bpay customer profile or entered online when paying in order to earn Qantas Points. B2Bpay Billers will earn 1 Qantas Point for every $20 of customer payments made by customers using VISA or Mastercard via the Public WebPay payment portal supplied by B2Bpay (an ‘eligible payment’) and featured on the Biller’s invoice or statement template. Excludes failed or refunded payments and may not be available to businesses on enterprise or special pricing plans.
A standard and tax-deductible credit card processing fee (from 1.2% excl. GST) or a bank account processing fee (0.65% excl. GST) applies to all payments and the applicable fee will be displayed when you set up a biller and/or when you make a payment. B2Bpay is owned and operated by Zenith Payments Pty Ltd, a leading payment processing business based in Balmain, Sydney. Payment processing and merchant acquiring facilities are provided by Westpac, American Express and other leading financial institutions. More details about Zenith Payments.
Qantas would like to acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the local lands and waterways on which we live, work and fly. We pay our respects to Elders past and present.