Card Payment (OB) Fees

Card payment fees for Qantas (081) tickets are collected using the industry standard OB code and receipted using the OB ticketing fee off the ticket.
The fee is calculated as a percentage of the all inclusive fare and fee caps apply.  The fee is non-commissionable.

When issuing Qantas documents, you are required to facilitate card payments in accordance with Passenger Agency Conference Resolution 890 – Card Sales Rules. Ensure your customers are aware of card payment fees before they agree to complete a transaction.

Qantas NDC Call Out

For Qantas Distribution Platform orders, you can view the range of OB fees when pricing an offer or reshopping an unpaid order.

At the time of pricing, you can include a Bank Identification Number (BIN) or Issuer Identification Number (IIN) to display the applicable fee.

If no BIN/IIN is included, a range of minimum and maximum OB fees will be displayed. 

Important! All fare quotes provided by the Qantas Agency Connect Team are based on cash payment. OB fees are not included in the quote and are calculated by your Technology Partner when the ticket is issued.

General Information

When do Card Payment Fees Apply?

OB fees apply per ticket and per card to the following:

  • Prime Qantas (081) tickets issued in Australia; and
  • Where Qantas is the merchant i.e. Qantas Airways appears on the cardholder’s statement; and
  • When the ticket is paid for wholly or partly using a debit, credit, prepaid or charge card. The fee is applicable to the amount paid by card only.

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When do Card Payment Fees not Apply?

Card payment fees do not apply to:

  • Ticket reissues
  • Tickets for infants not occupying a seat
  • Tickets issued by Qantas using EMD as the form of payment
  • Tickets issued on your agency’s own merchant account and remitted to Qantas as cash via BSP
  • EMDs raised for non-fare products e.g. Qantas Club membership, seating and baggage payments
  • Any portion of the transaction amount that is not paid for by card. Payment options that do not incur the card payment fee are listed under ‘No Fee Payment Options’ below.

Payment options that do not incur the card payment fee are listed below.

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What Payment Options do not Incur a Card Payment Fee?

The card payment fee does not apply to the following types of payment:

  • UATP cards issued by Qantas
  • Cash, BSP Cash, IATA EasyPay and EFTPOS (Qantas airport locations)
  • PayID and PayPal online payment options (only available on and
  • BPAY for payment made 7 days or more before the scheduled departure of the flight (only available on and

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How are Card Payment Fees Applied?

The card payment fee is determined by the form of payment at time of ticket issue and is not included in the fare quote or display. Your Technology Partner automatically selects the correct fee. The OB fee and any taxes applicable to it appear on the e-ticket receipt but not your customer's ticket.

Qantas charges a fee for bookings paid for by card to recover part of the cost of accepting cards as a form of payment. The cost of card acceptance includes merchant service fees charged by banks, acquiring and payment processing services and fraud mitigation costs. You can find the RBA’s definitionOpens in a new tab or window of permitted costs on their website.

The cost of accepting cards isn’t included in the fare because this would mean all customers would be paying for card acceptance costs, even if they are not paying with a card.

If the ticket is reissued, the OB fee does not apply and does not appear on the reissued ticket.

Please direct any questions relating to OB fees to your Technology Partner provider.

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Your Customer's Card Fees

Cost of Card Payment Fees for Bookings Made in Australia

The fee is calculated as a percentage of the all inclusive fare as follows:

Card Type Card Scheme Payment Fee
Debit / Prepaid Card Mastercard 0.25%
Visa 0.49%
Credit / Charge Card Mastercard 0.64%
Visa 1.03%
American Express 0.64%
Other Credit / Charge Cards (eg. JCB) 1.03%
Non-Qantas issued UATP 1.75%

Card payment fee is rounded up to the nearest 10 cents

For payments made by card and cash, the fee is based on the amount of the all-inclusive fare paid for using a card.

The fee is capped per ticket and per card, based on the customer’s itinerary as follows:

Itinerary Fee Cap (per Ticket, per Card in AUD)
Australian Domestic A$22
Trans Tasman A$22
Other International A$120

Payment using Multiple Cards

If your customer pays with multiple cards, the applicable fee for each card is based on the amount of the all-inclusive fare paid for by that card.


Scenario One Credit Card Used Two Credit Cards Used

Trans -Tasman 

All-inclusive fare A$2400

1 x Visa Credit A$2400 @ 1.03%

Fee equals A$24.80 - Fee capped at A$22.00

1 x MasterCard Credit A$1200 @ 0.64%

Fee equals A$7.70 – Below A$22 fee cap


1 x Visa Credit A$1200 @ 1.03%

Fee equals A$12.40 – Fee capped at A$22

Total Card Payment Fee A$22 A$20.10

Refer to your Technology Partner for specific information relating to multiple forms of payment and whether this functionality is available to you.

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Card Payment Fee Refund

All OB fees are consumed at the time of ticket purchase and therefore are not refundable via the automated Technology Partner refund process.

The card payment fee can only be refunded if the ticket is totally unused, is being fully refunded and no cancellation fee applies. You should follow your usual Technology Partner process to refund the fare and ticket taxes. Once submitted, the request for refund of the OB fee and any applicable taxes can be submitted through BSPlink. The reason for the refund should be ‘OB fee’. The administrative charge associated with BSPlink refunds does not apply.

At least 2 business days are required to process the OB fee refund request from the time of the initial refund submission through BSPlink. The timing of the refund of the funds back to the customer's card will vary, depending on your customer’s card issuing institution.

The refund of the OB fee will appear as a separate item to the fare refund on your customer's card statement.

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